Speeches: A whole organisation!
3 official languages will be spoken during the week-end, plus English! In order that everyone will be at least able to understand the speeches, we chose to translate them!
• The dream team •
• TO READ : The speeches •
Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to make a speech. But we’d like to make it possible that everyone who would like to make a speech will have a spot. If you’d like to make a speech, please contact someone in our dream team. Together, the team will be able to estimate the number of people willing to participate and adapt the ceremony.
There is a possibility that we will « group » some speeches if the number of participants is too high :)
Important : even if you don’t want your speech to be translated, please contact our team if you want to make a speech!
Important 2: For obvious organizational reasons, please submit your speech for translation BEFORE the 01•04•2024!
Héloïse - Witness
Cam’s best friend since high school, Heloise will also be her witness at her wedding!
Bilingual in English, Heloise will be able to help you in your French speeches translated in that language and vice-versa!
Joni - Witness
Olli’s brother, Joni has many roles at the wedding: witness and officiant! Only that.
Bilingual in English, Joni will be able to help you in your German speeches towards this language and vice-versa.
Stanila - cousin
Cam’s cousin, Stanila is a language warrior!
Bilingual in Bulgarian, German and English (amongst other languages), Stanila will be able to help you in the translation of your Bulgarian speeches to German or English or vice-versa!
Iréna & Regina - moms
Having bilingual moms, it helps! Iréna is bilingual in French and Bulgarian and Regina is fluent in French and German.
Both of them will be able to help you with Bulgarian, German and French speeches!